
             Pentru indeplinirea obiectivelor sale, Asociatia WILD BUCOVINA isi propune realizarea urmatoarelor activitati:
a. monitorizarea faunei specifice zonei Bucovinei in scopul determinarii efectivelor reale pe teren si observarii comportamentului individual si de grup utilizand mijloace foto-video, instrumente optice, G.P.S. trackere etc.
b. hranirea complementara a speciilor amenintate in zonele cu deficit de hrana, in special pe timpul iernii;
c. organizarea de proiecte educationale in scolile din zona pentru constientizarea viitoarei generatii de nevoia de conservare a florei si faunei;
d. organizarea de ture foto wildlife si turism activ pentru promovarea zonei si sustinerea activitatilor asociatiei;
e. realizarea, editarea si difuzarea de materiale video si foto, pliante, afise, calendare, brosuri, si alte materiale informative;
f. dezvoltarea de programe proprii si in regim de parteneriat cu autoritatile publice din tara si strainatate, organizatii locale si internationale cu activitate in domeniul protectiei mediului;
g. derularea unor activitati de sponsorizare;
h. dezvoltarea unor activitati economice directe in vederea autofinantarii, in concordanta cu scopul asociatiei;
i. alte activitati care contribuie la realizarea scopului asociatiei si care nu contravin ordinii de drept.

 Descarca AICI Statutul Asociatiei.

 Descarcă AICI Regulamentul de ordine interioara.

        In order to accomplish its objectives, the Association nominates the accomplishment of the following activities:
a. Monitorizing Bucovina’s specific fauna and flora with the aim of determinating the real effectives in the field and observing the individual and the group behaviour by using photo/ video means, optical instruments, GPS trackers etc..
b. The complementary feeding of the game effectives in the areas with food deficit;
c. Organizing educational projects in the nearby schools to make aware the future generation of the flora and fauna’s conservation need;
d. Organizing wildlife photo sessions and active tourism activities for the promotion of the region and the support of the association’s activity;
e. The execution, editing and distribution of video and photo materials, folders, posters, calendars, booklets and other literature;
f. The development of different programmes, specific or in partnership with public authorities, national and abroad, local and international organizations with activities in the environment protection field;
g. Carrying out sponsorship actions;
h. Developing direct economic activities for the self- financing, concordantly with the scope of the Association;
i. Other activities which contribute to the realization of the Association’s scope and which do not interfere with the law.