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„Vizuina Bursucilor” este un proiect al Asociatiei Wild Bucovina si are ca scop monitorizarea unei familii de Bursuci/Viezuri (Meles meles). Monitorizata ani la rand de catre noi, aceasta familie isi duce viata intr-un loc prielnic pentru supravietuire nu departe de marginea unui sat de munte. Activitatea bursucilor este in deosebi nocturna. Vrem sa va prezentam aceasta familie indragita de noi printr-un proiect ambitios, stream live de la vizuinile Bursucilor. Acest proiect nu este finantat, dar am indraznit sa il incepem cu speranta ca cei care ne urmaresc si apreciaza astfel de proiecte, care simte cu noi impreuna cu natura vor face posibila realizarea lui. Costul proiectului este de 4000lei. Echipament: Camera+card, cablu FTP, abonament internet, alimentare curent electric, accesorii pentru tot sistemu, costuri instalare.
Doneaza aici: Donate (wildbucovina.ro)
Daca se va putea achita suma totala a proiectului pana la sfarsitul anului 2021, streamul live va functiona nonstop in viitor.
Streamul live va fi transmis pe canalul oficial de Youtube al Asociatiei Wild Bucovina
aici: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCueoWpx5FjBIfDkY6PXiNUA/featured
Aboneaza-te canalului de youtube, apasa clopotelul pentru a fi notificat de activitatea noastra.
„The Badger’s lair” is a project of the Wild Bucovina Association and aims to monitor a family of Badgers / Viezuri (Meles meles). Monitored for years by us, this family lives in a place conducive to survival not far from the edge of a mountain village. The activity of badgers is especially nocturnal. We want to present this family we love through an ambitious project, live stream from Bursucilor burrows. This project is not funded, but we dared to start it with the hope that those who follow us and appreciate such projects, who feel with us together with nature will make it possible to achieve it. The cost of the project is 4000 lei / 810 euro. Equipment: Camera + card, FTP cable, internet subscription, power supply, accessories for the whole system, installation costs.
If the full amount of a project can be paid by the end of 2021, the live stream will work non-stop in the future.
Donate here: Donate (wildbucovina.ro)
The live stream will be broadcast on the official Youtube channel of the Wild Bucovina Association
here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCueoWpx5FjBIfDkY6PXiNUA/featured
Subscribe to the youtube channel, press the bell to be notified of our activity.
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